Attention: Please provide your personal and medical information only to the responsible and relevant individuals at the clinic, and avoid disclosing it to unknown persons.
We make the world brighter for you.

Contact Us

Phone Number



Isfahan, Mir Street, Opposite Asia Insurance, No. 210




Dear valued clients,
Please be informed that all services are provided strictly by prior appointment:

1. LASIK surgery     2. Eye surgeries     3. Examinations

Book an Appointment

To schedule an examination (by a doctor), LASIK consultation, cataract evaluation, glaucoma screening, eye pressure check, strabismus correction, eyelid cosmetic consultation or dry eye treatment, please complete the form below.

Services that require an in-person appointment:

1- Imaging Services (Specular, Pachymetry, Perimetry, Topography)
Appointments are available from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM.

2- Vision Testing Services (Optometry)
Appointments are available from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM for future days.

Working Hours of the Center

Saturday to Wednesday:
7:30 AM to 3:30 PM

7:30 AM to 11:30 AM