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HomeLaser eye operations

Laser eye operations

Femtosecond Schwind Femtosecond Schwind as the latest generation of femtosecond devices has been

Reading time: 6 minutes

What is customize method? Currently, for performing the laser on cornea, two major

Reading time: 12 minutes

Eye laser operations such as PRK, trans-PRK, Femtolasik, and others are considered as

Reading time: 9 minutes

The recommendations and measures before the operation Some days before and after the

Reading time: 23 minutes

Which operation is more suitable for you? Although the variety of these operations

Reading time: 8 minutes

You will be a suitable candidate for operation if you are older than

Reading time: 8 minutes

Femto-LASIK Surgery Package : 1500$ “The most advanced device for Lasik operation called

Reading time: 14 minutes

Advanced PRK Surgery Package : 880$ Trans-PRK Surgery Package : 1500$ The above-mentioned

Reading time: 13 minutes

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Reading time: 23 minutes -
Reading time: 8 minutes -
Reading time: 8 minutes -
Reading time: 14 minutes -
Reading time: 13 minutes -
Booking at Parsian Eye Surgery Center
The clinic's working hours are from 8 AM to 3 PM.
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Booking at
Parsian Eye Surgery Center
The clinic's working hours are from 8 AM to 3 PM.