Happy new year new golden number years

Welcome to Persian Eye Clinic & Laser Center

Parsian Eye Clinic and the Laser Center have been established to provide modern ophthalmological services, especially in the field of eye laser-therapy, by a group of experienced university professors and national experts in Isfahan. Currently, the center has got the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. The services offered are very favorable in terms of quality and efforts have always been made to upgrade knowledge as well as pieces of equipment to ensure that the esteemed clients are satisfied with the services. Many of the clinic brand new services are provided to patients for the first time in the province and some of them are provided for the first time in the country.


Optic shop


International Patient Department


Isfahan city

Your Questions, our Answers :

You can ask your questions in the form "Contact Us" ; general questions will be answered on this site; otherwise, they will be answered privately.

Note: Before sending your questions, click on the link below and refer to FAQ page. You may find your question and the related response. Just click on the relevant question to see the answer.


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